Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of History and Civilization of Islamic Nations, Department of History and Islamic Civilization, Institute of Theology and Islamic Studies, Research Institute of Islamic Sciences of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him), Qom, Iran


From the end of the eighteenth century, reform movements flourished in the West African region. The uprising of Sheikh Othman bin Fodider in the Hausa land is considered one of the most important jihadist movements in West Africa that ignited the spark of Islamic awakening in this region. Why and how this movement is the problem of this research. The main question of the present article is how the Osman Bin Fudi movement was formed and what results did it get? The research method is descriptive-analytical. The findings of the research show that Sheikh Othman, observing the religious, moral and political corruption in the society and the ruling system of the Hausa princes, sought to correct this situation based on the obligation of Jihad to preserve Islam. In the first stage, he spread religious teachings by calling to Islam, and in the second stage, he declared jihad against the oppressive rulers of the region, and by winning over the Hausa rulers, he was able to form the Islamic Caliphate of Sokoto. The goal of Bin Fudi's uprising was to revive Islamic life in the society and return to authentic Islam. The Ben Fudi movement deepened the influence of Islam in the West African region, and other reform movements were formed in the region following the example of this uprising.


Main Subjects

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