Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Culture and Communication, Department of Journalism and News, College of Communication and Media,IRIBU, Tehran, Iran


Hosseini's Arbaeen walk is a great historical myth. The wishes and expectations of participants from different countries of the Islamic world in the Arbaeen spiritual walk are significant. In this research, to answer the question "What other expectations do you marchers have in this huge march besides the spiritual dimensions?" (Issue); The navigation method is used. (Method); On Arbaeen day, four points "Karbala center, entrances of Najaf, Baghdad and Halle" were selected as gathering places and entrances for the marchers, to complete 400 questionnaires. The participants of different countries in Iraq have mentioned 9 basic expectations in the human dimension of the huge march. These expectations include "resolving Shia and Sunni differences against other religions 92.9%", "the destruction of Israel and the liberation of Jerusalem 89.6%", "the unity of Shia-Sunni and the world's Muslims" 89.4%, "the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq 87%", "increasing the spiritual dimension of the Arbaeen procession 80.1%", "ceasing US interference in Iraq's internal affairs 78.2%","obeying followers to the orders of religious authorities 69.8%","increasing friendship between the Iraqi government and Iran 68.8%"(findings); It is necessary for the officials of the two governments of Iran and Iraq to reflect on the wishes of the participants and provide the necessary ground in order to reproduce a culture of resistance and authenticity and speed up the awakening of Muslims.


Main Subjects

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