
1 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Analyst

3 Master student of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


The emergence of The group known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, ISIS, or IS) can be seen from different aspects. Various socio-political factors, military conflicts and, in general, social, cultural, and ideological tensions in the region have led to the rise of the group in Iraq and Syria. However, the close examination of the religious discourse informing every facet of ISIS's practices is of great importance. As we are witnessing the ongoing confrontations among ISIS and other ethnic and religious groups, we need to scrutinize this religious worldview, usually thought to be rooted in Salafi Islam. In this article we analyzed Salafi- jihadist views of ISIS toward other ethnic and religious groups and, in general, the sensitivity of this group to "Others" and "outsiders". our question was that in what circumstances a particular religious discourse would give rise to, and legitimize a process of "Otherization"? An exploration of ideological aspects of ISIS will help us to better perceive this emerging phenomenon and pave the way for its social-political resolution.


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