Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Imam Khomeini International University (RA), Qazvin, Iran


The place as a meaningful structure in inducing the ideas of stability and Islamic awakening has been noticed by contemporary poets. This phenomenon, which has existed in literary works for a long time, plays a significant role in sustainability poems today. Khazar Muhammad Abu Juhjuh is one of the poets of the stable and was born in Palestine. In composing his poems, he has put the place and its different dimensions as a means of conveying and highlighting the concepts of sustainability. (Problem) The present essay aims to explain the functions of the element of place in the representation of the ideas of stability and Islamic awakening in the ode "Lel Aqsa Anzefo Shaghafi" by Khezr Mohammad Abu Johjouh, using a descriptive-analytical method, and from this passage, literary and national purposes To examine the poet's adherence to meaningful spatial phenomena. (Method) In the mentioned ode, Abu Jahjuh's intellectual approach with the focus on sustainability is generally visible, and the "place" element in his poem with political, religious, historical, national and natural colors, inculcating concepts such as authority and glory , in order to achieve this, it aims to convey ideas through image schemas derived from simile, metaphor and irony, as well as literary mechanisms such as exaggerated description, highlighting concepts and allusions to historical places and events. and provide a better understanding of sustainability concerns for the audience (findings).


Main Subjects

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