Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Education, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


When the ideals of a society are jeopardized during the conversion of values, the enemy will take action and use this muddy water to achieve its goals and one of the most important tools for them in This path will be the use of soft warfare and its social levers; After the formation of the Islamic Awakening in the Middle East, the enemy, relying on its soft power, seeks to distort and transform this movement in Islamic societies in order to achieve its goals by controlling the vision and motivation of these societies. The element of soft power is able to direct the insight strategies and motivational orientations of this formed movement to the desired path of the enemy. Examine the Islamic Awakening from the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah. Finally, in this work, the author has come to the conclusion that the enemy, relying on soft power, gradually and without the self-awareness of the audience, has distorted the criteria of love and innocence of Muslims and using the same mechanism seeks to curb Islamic awakening in societies. If it is not possible to transform this movement, it will cause this formed boil to deviate.


Main Subjects

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