Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Political Science, Research Institute for Political Thought, Revolution and Islamic Civilization, Institute for Humanities and Studies, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this paper is to investigate how a group of theoretical possibilities can lead to the expansion of Islamic knowledge (Problem). Its applied method is analytical-descriptive (Method). The research claims that the development of knowledge awareness in its multifaceted spaces of contemporary religious studies depends on a distinctive and systematic reference to both Islamic and Modern intellectual treasures in which a chain of methodological and content-based presuppositions is included. An approach to these methodological and content-based assumptions is essential in promoting a group of time and place oriented theological studies that the society need it today. Such studies will be able to provide the society with an organized understanding of our legacy referring to its both new and old sources of knowledge (Hypothesis). The research finding is such a reference, due to its simultaneous attention to the expansion of religious knowledge in the horizon of the needs of time and place, will lead to a useful and contemporary religious science (findings).


Main Subjects

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