Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Shahid Madani University, Azerbaijan, Iran

2 PhD student, Arabic language and literature, Shahid Madani University, Azerbaijan, Iran.

3 PhD Student, Arabic Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The contemporary political history of Yemen has been filled with radical changes, including the influx of foreign countries. Meanwhile, the crowd of protest and rightfulness has been heard from the people of this land, especially artists and poets in the interior and international. Under such circumstances, committed and prominent poets such as Zayd al-Moushka, Ebrahim al-Hazrani, and Shahid Mohammad Mahmoud al-Zubiri fought with their guards in defending the national-religious interests of their country. He is a committed poet and leader of the Yemen resistance poets such as Almooshky Zaid Ibrahim Hzrany, Ahmed al-Malami and Ahmad al-Shami and other poets of resistance.he has a important role in the Transformations that this arena as well as in the Yemeni revolution with weapons guidance poetry of the people.He was always flushed with his poetry flames of hope in the hearts and spirits of his countrymen .And speaking of the greatness of the Yemeni people calls for revolution .Determination is Al-Zubairiweapon, And poetry is his only weapon with which to punish the aggressors.A spirit of freedom, love of country, calling for revolution, attention to the Palestinian issue, challenge, commitment to Arab unity, and hope to briliantfuture is the most important of sustainability effects in the Al-Zubairi poetry


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